Register for the Webinar

Insights for ArcGIS: Digging Deep into Data and Analytics

In the third webinar of our three-part series, we will build on our first two webinars and explore the data and analytical aspects of Insights for ArcGIS. We will establish connections to nonspatial data, Excel files, and demographic data and bring them all together to answer questions and make discoveries. We will examine in depth all the analytical capabilities that are available in Insights such as: complex many-to-one relationships, creating fields and ratios on the fly, and using graphs (chord diagram, data clock, heat chart, box plot, and more). In addition, we will cover how to join rich demographic data directly to your organizational boundaries and zones. This webinar will provide the foundation to dig deep into your data, allowing you to answer questions with confidence, resulting in increased efficiency and effectiveness.

Webinar Details:
Wednesday, November 29 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (PST)

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