Supporting the Environmental Protection Agency's
Smart City Air Challenge

Thank you for considering Esri in your grant proposal submission to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Smart City Air Challenge. The EPA’s challenge is seeking demonstration projects for local governments who are working to improve air quality data management, leverage the internet of things (IoT) for real time data capture, generate stronger analysis of information collected, and provide for the open exchange of data.

Esri is supporting the EPA challenge through an in-kind match that will provide Esri geospatial technology to local governments who incorporate Esri software into their EPA grant proposal. The Esri grant, valued at $40,000, will be awarded to the two winning local government agencies. It is Esri’s goal to provide the geospatial technology that supports the objectives of the EPA’s challenge.

The Esri grant provides a one-year license of each of the following solutions. The ongoing maintenance of the technology would be the responsibility of the local government recipient after the one-year period.

  • ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (Up to 4 Cores)
  • ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server (Up to 4 Cores)
  • ArcGIS Online (Level 2 )
    • ArcGIS Open Data

Download the Letter

In an effort to record organizations that have included Esri software in their grant proposal submission, please enter your information below. Once the form is complete, you will be able to download our letter of intent to support your application to the EPA Smart City Air Challenge.

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