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An aerial view of blocks of suburban houses overlaid with an image of people standing together near a wooden house frame

Build a Sustainable and Resilient Community

Achieve your development goals with Esri’s GIS solutions.

Ensure progress toward strategic goals and priorities

Every community has a vision for a prosperous and vibrant future. Achieving this vision requires partnerships—in the community and among departments—to ensure that the future you want to see advances the economic, social, and environmental priorities set by community leadership.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations provide a thematic framework to translate your vision into action. When combined with geographic information system (GIS) technology, you can better understand local vulnerabilities and inequalities to implement plans that will have the greatest impact—ensuring that your vision is achieved and no one is left behind.

Multiple people sitting around a conference table and talking with a GIS dashboard visible in the background

Sustainability and resilience start with geography

Sustainable development is about finding balance in the effort to achieve prosperity. With GIS, you can establish and measure performance baselines, monitor and account for investments, report on progress toward your targets, and ensure transparency with stakeholders.

Connect local priorities to global goals

SDGs can be localized to align with your community’s vision and goals. Use them to outline your priorities and help you consider related targets that can increase your impact.

Once you connect global goals to local priorities, you can identify the partners that are needed to achieve success, detect gaps to be aware of as you act, and align communication on progress, all while guaranteeing your efforts are both aspirational and locally meaningful.

A multicolored graphic displaying the 17 sustainable development goals in small, individual boxes
A simple line icon of two stacked map layers, the top one with mountains and trees projecting out of it
A simple line icon of a gridded map layer with a drone overhead

Analyze data to understand community needs

Using GIS to map and analyze data from integrated sources helps you quickly identify inequities and gaps in community resources, making it easier to focus on efforts that matter most to your community.

With these new insights into your development baseline, you can quickly visualize and outline priorities and develop strategies that will help you move closer to a shared vision for the future.

A satellite view of a densely developed area and a nearby greenspace with various locations pinpointed by orange and red circles
A simple line icon of a person seated in front of a computer monitor beside a wall screen displaying a map dashboard

Visualize and report on progress

Telling a story about your vision for a sustainable and resilient future is key to inspiring and mobilizing your community. Maps help easily inform everyone and provide transparency on the work that is yet to be done.

GIS helps you communicate and engage with everyone in the context of location. As a result, you can target areas where change is most needed.

A group of people sitting and talking to each other with a map visible in the background

Hawaii catalyzes island-led solutions

The Aloha+ Challenge aims to achieve social, economic, and environmental goals by 2030—localizing its efforts to develop a more sustainable future.

Visit the hub site

Start developing your sustainable future

Accomplish your community’s goals with the GIS starter kit for SDGs. It includes a pathway to access the Sustainable Development Goals solution; training resources; technical support; and the maps, applications, and data layers you need to localize the global goals.


Contact Us

Start developing your sustainable future. Fill out the form to speak to one of our sales representatives and begin measuring, monitoring, and reporting on progress toward your community’s sustainable development goals.